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Andy Darnley’s Bio

Andy Darnley is the founder and president of Nationwide Lifts. The company, 15 franchises, and many affiliates serve the United States and Canada with quality lifts, ranging from traditional and contemporary home elevators to stair and wheelchair lifts and dumbwaiters.

Andy, who started the company 15+ years ago, holds a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from the Rochester (N.Y.) Institute of Technology. In addition to being the boss, he remains a licensed elevator mechanic in several states and is a mentor to his mechanics.

A self-confessed workaholic, Andy, of Syracuse, has managed to find time to pen a book (about stair lifts, what else?) and develop new products for the company. In his free time, Andy likes to go boating with his wife and three children.

Space Elevators and Astronomy
The History of Elevators and Lifts
Elevator Anxiety: Overcoming Your Fear of Heights
Women in Engineering and Technology
Interesting Elevators From Around the World
Space Elevators: How Do They Work?
A Digital List: Helpful Engineering Games
Lifts and Other Home Adjustments for Disabled Individuals
Simple Machines Used in Elevators
Give Your Health a Lift: Exercises for the Elevator

Pages recently updated by Andy Darnley:
Shaft-less Elevators
Small Home Elevators
Residential Cable & Hydraulic Elevators
Residential Elevators for Sale and Service
Traditional Cable Elevator
Commercial Elevators