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Elevator Blog

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Buffalo Grain Elevators to Be Part of Public Art Exhibition

| Categories: Elevators In The News

Throughout its history, the city of Buffalo, New York has been closely associated with its grain elevators. The elevators were invented in the 1840s and have come to symbolize the city’s economic ups and downs. Buffalo officials recently announced a ne …

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Lockheed Martin Working on Space Elevator Technology

| Categories: Elevators In The News

Scientists have been trying for years to develop the technology required to build an elevator to space. They would like to build a tower that is anchored to the Earth and stretches beyond geosynchronous orbit. The tower would be held under tension by n …

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Japanese Campaign Tries to Change Escalator Etiquette

| Categories: Elevator Education

Many people are unsure about escalator etiquette. Some think people should stand on one side so that others can walk past, while others think no one should ever walk up an escalator. People who believe riders should stand on one side disagree on which …

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Venture Capital Firm Creates Elevator Pitch Room

| Categories: Elevators In The News

An elevator pitch is a short description of a company’s products, goals, and mission that can be delivered to someone during a brief elevator ride. Venture capital firm General Catalyst took the idea literally and decided to create a room specifically …

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Germans Fight to Keep Paternoster Elevators

| Categories: Elevators In The News

Legislation in Germany that would have banned the use of traditional paternoster elevators was defeated after a public outcry. The new workplace safety regulations said that paternosters could only be used by employees who had received training in how …

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Company Gets Patent for Space Elevator

| Categories: Elevators In The News

The idea of creating an elevator to transport people and vehicles to space was proposed by Konstantin Tsiolkovsky in 1895. Rockets are difficult to launch off the surface of the Earth due to gravity and air resistance. The space elevator idea would att …

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