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Elevator Blog

Elevator Blog

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Pitless Elevators for Homes

| Categories: Home Elevators

Conventional elevators have a shaft with a pit, or a continuation of the hoistway below the lowest level the elevator serves. The lowest level could be the first floor or the basement.   A pit is usually required to provide space for the cab suppo …

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MRL Elevators Gaining Popularity in Commercial Buildings

| Categories: Commercial Elevators

The machine room-less elevator is a relatively new design that is becoming increasingly popular in the United States. This type of elevator offers several advantages compared to more traditional lifts. MRL elevators use electric motors that are signifi …

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Choosing an Elevator Maintenance Company and Contract

| Categories: Commercial Elevators, Elevator Services

Elevator maintenance is a critical task for a building owner or manager to ensure the safety of residents, employees, and visitors. If you own or operate a building that uses elevators, it is essential to have your lifts serviced by competent professio …

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Elevator Maintenance Checklist

| Categories: Commercial Elevators, Elevator Services

Have you ever wondered what an elevator mechanic is doing while servicing your elevator? Here is an insider’s look at the steps that most elevator companies use in their inspections. These are general guidelines. The steps the elevator mechanic takes d …

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High-Rise Buildings Drive Smart Elevator Market

| Categories: Commercial Elevators, Elevators In The News

The growing number of high-rise and super tall buildings around the world is driving the growth of the smart elevator market. The global market for these technologies is expected to reach $25 billion by 2020, according to a report by Global Industry An …

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Wheelchair Lift Weekly Test Procedure

| Categories: Commercial Elevators, Elevator Services

Wheelchair lifts must undergo routine maintenance performed by an elevator service company every six months. Since this is a long period of time between service visits, building owners or facility managers are required to conduct weekly tests. The pers …

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